
Eco-friendly elements in new homes

Royal Westmoreland Properties

There is one thing we are not short of here in Barbados and that’s sunshine.

Harnessing that to create solar energy has become a much discussed topic here, so it’s good to see that two of our newest homeowners have asked us to incorporate environmentally friendly aspects in the design of their new villas.

The homes will feature custom ordered PV cells to generate their own electricity, LED lighting to reduce consumption and heat production and even new roof shingles that looks like our classic cedar shake shingles, but are actually an engineered product utilising recycled materials. This type of shingle is completely resistant to termite and mildew and not only is it good for the environment, it will also give our new home owners an edge over some of the older homes on the market when they come to resell.

If you’d like to find out more contact our construction director Ian Putley on +1 (246) 419 7227