Royal members news March 2014

Welcome to the March edition of the Royal Westmoreland Members News
As I write this introduction to our second newsletter we welcome our new Club Champions. In the men’s scratch we have a worthy new Champion in Tom Schofield and no one has worked harder to achieve his goals than Tom. I wish him all the best for the season in what may be more demanding events.
Equally exciting our junior scholar, Mavi Verglos, won the ladies championship by a large margin, a future star in the making at only 13 years old. Well done Roger with his coaching and we look forward to watching Mavi’s progress with great interest. Well done the two of you, you have defined a new chapter in our history.
Bill Weir deservedly regained his Senior Club Champion title from yours truly in what was a very determined and typically stoic performance.
I look forward to April at the club with the Goodwill Trophy Match and the Easter events. I hope they will be well supported.
Simon and his dedicated green keeping team need to be congratulated on the course condition. I hope we are now all proud of the course even if we find the fast greens test our abilities somewhat. Please help him by repairing pitch marks on the greens, raking bunkers and sanding divots.
Finally please keep supporting our non-golfing activities and let’s us know what more we can do.
We hope you are enjoying our Royal Mail newsletters – this being our second edition now we would to hear your feedback. Royal Mail will continue to be issued bi-monthly.
Tony Reid
Board of Governors
Golf Pro Tip Of the Month
Finding the fairway
Golf has many sayings; one of my favorites, “You drive for show and you putt for doe!” Yes putting is half the game and if you wish to improve your score, you need to make putts. However, if you are in the gullies or out of bounds or in the trees all day, it’s very difficult to make a score.
A simple way to ensure that you find the fairway more often is to make sure that you tee up on the correct side of the tee box in reference to your natural shot shape. Take advantage of the entire fairway by playing your ball flight. If you fade/slice the ball (like most amateurs), tee up on the right side of the tee box, aim down the left side of the fairway and play your shot shape. If you hit the ball straight, you end up on the left side of the fairway, if you fade the ball you land in the middle of the fairway and if you slice the ball, you arrive on the right side of the fairway.
Most golfers try and to be someone they are not! It is very difficult to hit the ball straight, keep your game simple and play your shape. Over the round you will find you will hit more fairways and as a result more greens. By having more birdie putts, that will give you a chance to lower your score.
Upcoming events in April & May 2014
Saturday April 5th Goodwill Trophy. Three teams of home owners, corporate and local members go head to head for the Goodwill Trophy.
Saturday April 12th Monthly Competition Day
Sunday April 13th US Masters Stableford( individual stableford with a partner drawn from the US Masters)
Friday April 18th Good Friday Texas Scramble(get your teams together for a shotgun start at 1 p.m)
Monday April 21th Easter Monday Stableford(two person).
Saturday April 26th Year End Tombstone(members only).
Thursday May 1st to Sunday May 4th- The Sir Garry Sobers
(to be held at Royal Westmoreland, Sandy Lane, Apes Hill and Barbados Golf Club courses).
Saturday May 31th Monthly Competition Day
The Club Championship Results
Results from the Club Championship held over the weekend March 22nd & 23rd.
This year’s Club Championship was played in tremendous winds which combined with the excellent greens prepared by Simon and his crew provided a severe challenge to the players over the last weekend. The prizes to the winners for each section were presented by Yvonne Brewer and Roger Beale.
Gents Medal – This year’s Gents Medal Champion went to Tom Schofield with a gross score of 157, with Marcus Clarke in second with 163 and Ansari Muhajiri placing third with 164. John Cutts and Julien Jordan took the best gross on days one and two respectively.
Ladies Medal – The Ladies Medal Champion this year is Mavi Vergos with a gross score of 152 with Val Teslia coming second with 161.
Senior Gents Medal – A smiling Bill Weir receives his prize for First Place in the Senior Gents Medal a gross score of 150, with Tony Reid in second with 153 and Miles Crawford placing third with 162.
Neil Jamieson and John Reid took the best gross on days one and two.
Gents Senior 65+ Stableford – First Place in the Senior 65+ Gents Stableford went to Irwin Gaffin with 73 points, followed by Grantley Cumberbatch with 69 points and Ian Blackstone with 68 points. Sir Martyn Arbib and Tony Sinclair had the highest points on days one and two.
Ladies Stableford – First Place in the Ladies Stableford went to Carla Kusay with 65 points, followed by Susie Panter with 62 points and Marge Gaffin also with 62 points. Carol Newman and Val O’Sullivan had the highest points on days one and two.
Gents Stableford – First place was Tom O’Sullivan 72 pts, 2nd Place- M.A.C Anderson 67 pts and 3rd Place- Gabriel Kelly 65 pts. Ken Teslia had the highest points on day one and Andrew Marryshow on day two.
Visitor/Guest Stableford – First Place in the Visitor/Guest Stableford went to Michael Taylor with 67 points followed by Christine Taylor with 57 points
Tennis Racquets Ready!
It has been another active month of tennis at Royal Westmoreland! Our Beginners and Intermediate Clinics continue to be full of activity, excitement and attendance, with players showing great improvement and enthusiasm to continue to better their game.
Intermediate players have had the opportunity to put their practice into match play with two tournaments held recently. Our February “Round About Round Robin” doubles tournament featured 8 of our members experiencing the opportunity of playing with different partners in each match, playing a total of 7 matches. Playing with different partners provides a good challenge to adapt quickly and work together as an effective doubles team.
Our tournament this month was a wonderful playing and social experience. We had a total of 14 players entered, including ladies who also play at Vuemont, St Peter. Vuemont players were teamed with Royal Westmoreland members, creating a great dynamic of a “Mix ‘n Match” doubles play. The tournament followed a 10 point scoring system which allowed each team the opportunity to play against all players entered. This was an exciting opportunity for our members to experience playing with different levels and style of players, allowing them to challenge their game. The tournament ended with a friendly drink at the Rum Shack where all players exchanged tournament stories. Overall, it was a very fun experience for all involved!
Royal Westmoreland Property Owners Association
Good Day to all of our Home Owners/Shareholders … The RWPOA team has been very busy over the past month and has updates on a few issues which may be of interest to many of you.
We have recently added about 100 feet of “Liner Cover” & “Planting” to the edge of Fountain & Water Feature of the Royal Villa Neighborhood. It is anticipated that we will secure more of the Liner Cover and soon will have planted completely around the water’s edge and significantly improved the visual appeal of the feature. The Pool Decks and Furniture have all had an additional Power Washing and the Sailcloth Sun cover has been repaired. There is still more to be done and we will continue to make progress here as time and occupancy allows.
We have been diligently reading resumés and interviewing candidates for the General Manager position. The candidates are closely matched but we hope to have completed our interviews and made a selection before the end of March.
Our POA Fee receivable account is in good order … as of March 21 we have collected over 70% of the fees owed for 2014 but still have $320,000 outstanding for previous years. After March 31st, any of the 2014 unpaid fees will attract interest which is back dated to February 1st and then accrues monthly until paid. Ann-Marie and I will be persistent in our calls and letters to collect the fees and to ensure we have the funds to meet our obligations.
I have finally completed the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and all Shareholders will receive their copy by e-mail or snail mail within the next week. Please take a moment to read these minutes and understand what has transpired and then feel free to send me your comments or suggestions.
And finally, at the cost of being repetitive. I can’t stress enough how much we need volunteers to help on various sub-committees … specifically, I would like to have a certified accountant available to help with an audit of the 2013 books, the 2014 budget and the preparation of the 2015 budget. Please call/write me if you are available and interested in supporting the Association during this critical transition period. Of course we will be holding elections before the end of the year to elect Directors to Association and I’d be happy to discuss the opportunities and responsibilities with anyone interested. My complete contact details are listed below for your convenience.
Royal Westmoreland Property News
Barbados property prices expected to rise
As Barbados real estate prices stabilise in 2014, purchasers looking to buy property will welcome comments from two island realtors who predict prices will rise again throughout 2015 and 2016.
Kieron Kelly of Chesterton Barbados says: “Homes on the West Coast have been selling very well and our sales in our office are up 70% this year.”
Kelly expects prices to remain roughly the same throughout 2014, with rises being seen in 2015 and 2016, a view Cassie Preece of West Coast Villas agrees with: “Whilst we do not expect the mainstream market to reach the prices of 2007 there may be a slight increase in prices which we expect to be more realistic and sustainable.”
Meanwhile the recent strong performance of the pound is allowing British buyers to make significant savings on properties in the Caribbean. However, financial experts predict this period will even itself out by the end of 2014, as Jane Foley, a senior currency strategist at Rabobank International in London explains: “The pound will be able to hold its own against the dollar over the next couple of months but by the end of the year the dollar will have fought back.”
What’s On in April & May
End of the Holders Season
Tue Apr 01- The Play that goes wrong
Following the huge success in 2013 of the comedy theatre piece, Casablanca – the Gin Joint Cut, Holders Season presents the award winning comedy tour de force that is The Play that goes wrong.What’s it about? It’s a play that goes wrong! Very wrong. A major Edinburgh Festival hit, The Play… has already enjoyed a sell out London West End run and comes to Holders at the start of a major world tour.
Wed Apr 02 – 100 Years of Jazz (in 99 minutes)
Absolutely the most comprehensive and entertaining evening’s of jazz you will ever come across. Brilliantly compered by the six strong cast of leading ‘jazzers’ from London’s renowned Boisedale’s Club, 100 Years of Jazz is a highly entertaining journey through the decades taking in everything from New Orleans to be-bop, swing to Latin, hot to cool, from Chicago to New York and from thence around the world! An A – Z of jazz’s biggest names from Louis Armstrong to Weather Report’s Joe Zawinul
Sat Apr 05- Gala Night
The Season’s finale is joyous and energetic in the hands of the wildly successful singing sextet, The Magnets. Hugely successful around the world, with their harmonies, humour and beatbox extraordinaire Andy Frost, The Magnets will ensure the 2014 Holders Season ends with a bang.
Also featuring Australian Caroline O’Conner
Gates open at 5:30 pm each night. All shows start at 7:00 pm.
Dress: Elegantly Casual.
Reserved Seating
GOLD Bds $200.00 / $250.00
General Admission
Zone B – Bds $150.00 / $175.00
Zone C – Bds $80.00
Zone D – Bds $40.00
Museum Lecture Series 2014: Lecture 3 – A Foreign-fed or A Home-fed Colony
This is one of eight lectures in the 2014 series presented by the Barbados Museum & Historical Society, in conjunction with the Department of History and Philosophy at the University of the West Indies.
The overall title of this years series of lectures is Big-grain Rice and Beyond: Feeding Barbados Yesterday and Today.
This year’s series will examine Food and Agriculture, while establishing a historical frame for the discussion of land use, provenance of food supplies, local production and distribution of food supplies, consumption patterns, the evolution of local cuisine, and food security. The full title of this lecture is “A Foreign-fed or A Home-fed Colony? Sources of Food Supplies in Colonial Times”. The lecture will be given by Dr Karl Watson. The series is one of the highlights of the annual museum calendar with lectures being given by highly qualified historians and other academics.
Museum publications, including the latest edition of the highly respected Museum Journal, will be on sale.
All lectures begin at 7:00 pm at the Queen’s Park Steel Shed.
Call 427-0201 for further information.
Start time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Queen’s Park Steel Shed, Queen’s Park, Constitution Rd., St. Michael
Nasim & Jack’s Buffet Curry Night at Holder’s Great House
Chef Nasim Degia and sous Chef Tamas Somogyi invite you to an extraordinary taste experience as they present their Buffet Curry Night in the fabulous Holder’s House setting.
Each Thursday, the menu is different, drawn from Burmese, Indian/Pakistani, Singaporean and Thai cuisine.
Starters are served at the table, prior to the presentation of the main course buffet. Dessert follows.
Space is limited, so reservations are essential – as far in advance as possible!
Call 432-6385 or 258-1799.
Payment in cash only.
Start time: 6:30 PM End time: 10:30 PM
Admission: Bds $125.00
Venue: Holder’s House. St James
Gun Hill by Moonlight
Known colloquially as ‘The Howling’, this is a cocktail party given by the Barbados National Trust on the site of the Gun Hill Signal Station, Gun Hill, St. George.
On a clear evening, there is a spectacular view of the south and parts of the west coasts. One can see both the sun set and the moon rise, while indulging in drinks and hors d’oeuvre.
There is a bugler and a ceremonial lowering of the flag at sunset.
Finger food, snacks, wine and drinks are included in the admission fee.
The event takes place on Fridays closest to full moon during January to June each year. This month is April 18th.
Admission Fee:
Barbados National Trust and BARP members – Bds$ 25.00
Others – Bds $35.00
Start time: 5:30 PM End time: 8:00 PM
Venue: Gun Hill Signal Station, Gun Hill, St. George
Digicel Barbados Reggae Festival 2014
Here’s the schedule for this year’s Barbados Reggae Festival the 10th in the series.
Mon Apr 21 – Reggae Beach Party – Brandon’s Beach at 3:00 pm
Lady Saw, Stone Love, Idonia and others
Fri Apr 25 – Vintage Reggae Show and Dance – Kensington Oval at 9:00 pm
Sanchez, Frankie Paul, Admiral Bailey, Fab 5, John Holt and others
Sat Apr 26 – Bajan Reggae Night – Kensington Oval
Sun Apr 27 – Reggae on the Hill – Farley Hill National Park at 11:00 am
Tessanne, Beres Hammond, Chronixx and others
Social Committee
It seems we are a very friendly group of members here in Royal Westmorland ! Every activity or opportunity to get together that we have offered has been very well attended and in some cases sold out.
The Ladies Coffee mornings continue to be well supported and many new friendships have been made over a cup of coffee and a delicious piece of carrot cake. The next coffee morning is scheduled for Tuesday April 15th at 10.30 am in the Clubhouse.
Val Gordon has now left the island but Tony Reid continues his heroic efforts to get all to play Bridge. We seem to be a very mixed bunch ranging from pretty good, rusty but a card player to completely clueless. Monday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm will find us in the Rum Shak.
Joycie Beauvais and Michelle Jamieson are doing sterling work in keeping us fit and active. Michelle is now running two Bums and Tums classes a week and we may even add another next season.
Rafza Nehaul is working on a newsletter to help us all with gardening tips, Jo Reid continues to host an art class on a Wednesday morning, they are on still life at the moment – we are taking bets on who will be the sitter for their life classes !
Susie Panter is collecting books for a book sale in aid of the Ark. If you would like to clear out your bookcase, please drop your books into Susie or the Clubhouse and she will collect from there.
We have now had three quiz nights in the Rum Shak. All have been very good fun and our quiz master Terry makes sure to ring the changes with his challenging questions. The next night is scheduled for Monday April 28thwhich will probably be the last one for the season so book early as we sell out quickly.
Finally, we have organized 3 nights out this month.
We have a coach trip to the Frank Collymore Hall to see Broadway to Barbados on March 29th. This is now sold out.
We have a Wine Tasting and Supper at The Wine Cave on April 9th. There are 2 places left for this one.
Dinner on April 19th at St Nicholas Abbey promises to be an amazing evening. We have one table of 4 or 6 persons left at a cost of $350 per person. This includes a plated supper cooked by Larry of Cin Cin, all drinks and wines except champagne and entertainment.
As always, we are very open to suggestions for activities that may interest our members