Board of Governors update

To those of you who have been travelling welcome back for a jam-packed new season at Royal Westmoreland and a Happy New Year to everyone.
The Christmas competitions were well supported and congratulations to Wayne and Janice fields on winning the Hermits Quaich. Whilst the weather was really kind to us in December I congratulate Simon and his team for the excellent condition of the course. Greg tells us a consignment of sand is on its way so the continuation of the bunker programme is assured.
We have a full schedule of events for the season with the highlight being the Buchanan Invitation Shoot Out at the end of February for which early entry is advised as teams are limited. I hope you will support all the events in the calendar.
Yvonne is creating a full and varied social programme with fortnightly quiz nights in the Rum Shak. These are really fun nights and an excellent way to make new friends in the community. Yvonne and I are organising a special Valentines dinner at Lancaster Great House on Friday 13th February with cabaret and dancing to the piano. John Chandler of Ocean View and Fisherpond fame has bought and renovated this great plantation house and filled it with his antiques collected from all over Barbados. He will recount some of his stories of bygone days. I recommend applying early as we are limited to 50.
I wish you good golfing and camaraderie at your club in 2015.
Tony Reid
Chairman Board of Governors